
How Much Does Roof Replacement Cost?

Published on: April 25, 2021

Determining roof replacement cost requires measurements and an assessment of your roof’s characteristics. Plus, you’ll need to determine the roofing material that you want to be installed for an expert to create a custom quote that meets your needs.

We’ll provide an overview of what you can expect and some rough estimates of roof replacement costs. But the best thing to do is to schedule a free estimate with a roofing company.

How Much is a New Roof?

Roof replacement expenses range greatly. One of the largest factors is the size of your roof. The average roof replacement costs are $5,000 to $10,000. However, depending on your area and the roofing materials you select, your roof could cost as little as $1,200 or as much as $30,000.

According to HomeAdvisor, the average price a homeowner is paying for roof installation is $8.238.

As a general rule, roofing contractors charge about $3 to $5 per square foot for a new roof. On average, roofs are about 1,700 square feet, but the size and style of your home could impact just how many square feet of roof you have.

Getting a new roof installed is expensive, and you might be looking for ways to save any way you possibly can. But there are many reasons why you don’t want to get cheap roofing materials or inexpensive installation. It could put your home at risk and you might have no warranty or way to resolve roofing issues other than paying for a new roof a second time if you aren’t careful.

Reasons Why You Don’t Want a Cheap Roof

Before seeking out the cheapest roofing contractors in your area, consider the risks of a poorly installed roof with cheap materials.

  • Cheap underlayment fails to protect your home from water
  • Reusing existing materials, such as a drip edge or underlayment, puts the same worn-out materials back on your roof, leaving weaknesses
  • Old shingles, even if they aren’t broken or damaged, cannot stand up to a serious weather event
  • Fewer nails mean less durability and can void your manufacturer’s warranty on the shingles if the installation doesn’t meet certain standards
  • Roofing companies that use untrained, undertrained or inexperienced roofers because they cost less will mean poor or faulty installation, which can lead to serious problems for your home.
  • Budget roofers often have very limited insurance plans, such as the minimum to be a registered contractor in your area. Or worse, they aren’t registered contractors at all, which means in case of an accident, you might be responsible for paying for injuries. An accident during a roofing project will cost you far more than choosing a quality roof installer in the first place.

How to Avoid Hiring Cheap Roofers

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Get multiple quotes for your roofing project and don’t just choose the cheapest option. Instead, look up reviews, ask your neighbors about their roofing experiences and get plenty of references.

You must be thorough in ensuring you’re hiring a roofing team who will provide outstanding service and quality from start to finish. After all, this isn’t just your roof. It’s the first protective barrier on your home to prevent leaks and damage to both the exterior and interior of your home.

Why is Replacing a Roof so Expensive?

roof replacement cost

If you think about the size of your home’s roof and the surface area that the materials must cover, it’s no big surprise that roof replacement is an expensive endeavor. Here are the three largest factors that make getting a new roof so expensive.

  • Cost of materials: shingles, underlayment, nails, ventilation, ice and water barriers, flashing and drip edges all cost a great deal. When roofing companies give you a quote for service, it includes the cost of all these materials. And remember, you’re covering several hundred square feet of space with all these materials, so material costs can be a large factor in the overall price of your roof. Rising asphalt and tile costs could be why replacing your roof this time costs more than it did the last time you replaced a roof or when your friend or family member replaced their roof several years ago.
  • Labor: Roofing teams often come with several people to install your roof correctly. And depending on the size of your home, it can be a full-day project or even take more than a day. Proper roof installation is not a fast process. And ideally, you don’t want inexperienced contractors on your roof. So consider the expense that the roofing company incurs to pay the team to devote a day to replacing your roof. Now that roofing quote doesn’t seem so high.
  • The contractor’s insurance costs: roofing contractors need to carry insurance to protect against accidents. Because roofing is a risky business, a roofing company could pay tens of thousands of dollars for insurance each year to protect their team members and the homeowners they provide services for. You want your contractor to have good insurance to avoid shouldering the financial burden of something going wrong. This is a cost of doing business for the contractor, but it does impact the total cost that homeowners must pay for their services.

Can I Replace My Roof Myself?

roof replacement cost

Roofing is really not a DIY project you want to get involved with. Roofing is dangerous work and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re risking your life and the wellbeing of your home.

Roofing contractors are experienced at how to walk on a roof. They know areas that are prone to slick spots, how to maneuver obstacles and tactics for walking on an inclined surface for hours on end.

You can buy all roofing materials on your own and then just pay a contractor to install those materials. However, you might overlook an important aspect of your roofing project and not have the necessary materials on hand when needed. Or, you could end up paying more for your roofing materials because contractors buy their materials directly from the manufacturer at bulk discounts.

Additionally, purchasing your own roofing materials leaves you open to risk as you might purchase the cheapest option available at your local hardware store. Many roofing contractors won’t install just any materials. Be sure to discuss all this with a roofing contractor before purchasing materials.

What to do if You Can’t Afford a New Roof

No matter how you look at it, roofing is expensive. But that $8,000 roof is protecting your $200,000 home, so you can’t afford to leave it in disarray. If you can’t afford the out-of-pocket expense of replacing your roof when it needs it, here are some ways to pay for a new roof.

  • Talk to your insurance company. If your roof shows damage from severe weather, your homeowners insurance might cover some or all of the cost to replace your roof. It all depends on your insurance policy language and the damage you’ve experienced to your roof.
  • Ask your roofing company about payment plans. Some roofing contractors offer payment plans to help you pay for your new roof over the next several months or even a couple of years. You’ll probably pay some interest on your roof replacement, but you won’t have to delay getting the service you desperately need.
  • Take out a property improvement loan. You can borrow several thousand dollars to improve your home. These loans generally use your home as collateral though. This means that the loan company can seize your home if you fail to make regular payments so make sure you can afford the monthly payments before signing on the dotted line.
  • Discuss a home equity loan with your lender. As you make payments on your home, you’ll build up equity in it. You can use up to 85 percent of your home’s equity to take out a loan. This can help you pay for your new roof.

Find Out What a New Roof Costs in Seattle, Washington

Before you get too worried about the expense of your new roof, get a cost estimate from the team at 2FL Windows, Siding & Roofing. We’ll visit your home and assess the expense of a new roof. Then we’ll provide an estimate based on your preferences and needs.

Schedule your free estimate today.

Further Reading:


  1. […] How Much Does Roof Replacement Cost? […]

  2. […] How Much Does Roof Replacement Cost? […]

  3. […] Siding, Gutters and Roofing – How Your Home’s Exterior Protection Workshttps://2flwindowsandsiding.com/siding-gutters/ […]

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