
Metal Roofing in Seattle and Surrounding Area

Published on: January 25, 2022

Roofing is one of the most expensive updates homeowners have to complete regularly. So when the time is up on a roof, homeowners look to metal roofing to avoid having to repair the roof in 20-25 years again.

But is a metal roof for everyone? And do metal roofs make sense in all areas of the country based on various climates?

Learn what you need to know about metal roof installation, maintenance, pros and cons from this article.

Metal Roofing Pros and Cons

The pitter-patter of rain on a metal roof can be soothing. It’s so relaxing that they make white noise machines that stimulate the sound. But like everything else when considering a metal roof, that noise isn’t for everything.

People are turning to metal roofs instead of the classic asphalt shingles for a variety of reasons. But before you join your neighbors in this trend, get the facts and learn all about metal roofing pros and cons. 

Pros of Metal Roofs

Here’s a look at all the great reasons you should consider a metal roof.

Durable and Long-lasting

Metal roofs generally last 40-70 years compared to the 20-25-year lifespan of asphalt roofs. And to go with that long lifespan comes a 30-50-year warranty, depending on the manufacturer. Because these roofs are so durable, they can withstand windstorms up to 140 miles per hour without a crack or rust. 


Metal roofs are far more eco-friendly than asphalt roofs. Asphalt shingles require dependence on fossil fuels. And because you’ll replace them every 20 years or so, you’ll increase the materials in landfills. Most metal roof materials are made from 25 percent or more of recycled materials. Once you’re done with the roof, it’s 100 percent recyclable. Putting solar panels on top of a metal roof is also easier than it is to put solar panels on an asphalt roof. Because of the design of a metal roof, you can also easily collect rainwater from it to be further eco-friendly in your use of the earth’s resources.

Simple Installation Over Asphalt Shingles

You can install a metal roof over top of existing asphalt shingles. That’s because metal roofs are light and won’t burden the home or building by being added on top of your existing roofing materials. Avoiding removing the asphalt shingles is yet another way you can be eco-friendly with your roofing project. That way, those shingles don’t go to the landfill. 

Energy Efficient

Over the many decades that you have your metal roof, you’ll recoup many of your expenses from the fact that these roofs are more energy-efficient, which means you’ll spend less to heat and cool your home. During the hotter days, the roof will radiate the heat instead of absorbing it like asphalt roofs do. That means you won’t spend as much to cool your home during the summer months. 

Modern Look

As metal roofs have grown in popularity, they have also become the more stylish and modern option for roofing. Previously, the only place you would see a metal roof was on a barn. But now their designs have moved far beyond these original looks to offer a more modern look and feel. And with plenty of color options, you’ll be able to finish your home’s exterior exactly how you want while taking advantage of the benefits of metal roofing.

Allow the Professionals to Do It

Moss and Fungus Proof

Metal roofs will not grow moss or fungus, unlike asphalt or cedar roofs. These pesky materials can shorten the lifespan of your roofing materials and will take away from the attractive look of your home.

Cons of Metal Roofs

As great as metal roofs are, they also have some disadvantages to consider before having one installed on your home.


The biggest con to a metal roof is the initial expense of installing it. But if you take the total cost and spread it out across the decades of usefulness you’ll get from your metal roof, it suddenly becomes more cost-effective. The materials alone will cost anywhere from $120 to $900 per 100 square feet. That’s about 10 times the cost of asphalt shingle roofing materials. The materials are not the only expensive part of a metal roof though. Labor for installation is also more expensive because it requires specialized training and know-how. 

If you don’t plan to live in your home beyond the 20-year life expectancy of an asphalt roof, the long-lasting durability of your roof will have less impact. You’ll see some of the expense in the resale value of your home, but not all of it.


Metal roofs that undergo extreme weather events can get dented. These roofs are designed to withstand some extreme weather, such as ice and heavy rainfall, but large hailstorms or falling tree branches can dent the roofing materials. And you should avoid walking on the roof to prevent dents. Talk to your roofing contractor about the right materials based on the Seattle weather.


Although many people love the charming pitter-patter of rain on metal roofs, others do not. Metal roofs are far noisier during rainy weather compared to other roof types. And given the amount of rain Seattle gets, you need to love that pitter-patter noise to invest in decades of hearing it on your home. Good insulation can help reduce the noise inside, but it won’t eliminate it or even reduce it to the levels you would hear with another roofing material.

Is a Metal Roof Good in Any Climate?

Yes, metal roofs are excellent at reducing heat into your home from the sun in the summertime and keeping your heating inside during the winter. And you won’t have to worry about ice dams if winter weather rolls in. Ice dams can cause leaky roofs requiring emergency repairs and expensive bills.

Paying the Upfront Cost of a Metal Roof

The average cost of a metal roof is $26,682, making it similar to the price of a new car. Many homeowners don’t have that money sitting in their bank account waiting for a roofing need.

Paying for the upfront expense of a roof means planning. Ideally, if you move into a new home that has an older roof, you would start saving $100 per month toward your new roof, regardless of what roofing materials you think you’ll use. This will at least get you to a down payment on the roof so that you can finance the rest.

One way to pay for a metal roof is to do a cash-out refinance on your home. Depending on the length of your mortgage and current mortgage rates, you might be able to do this without changing your monthly payments.

Or, you can work with a roofing company that offers financing options. 2FL Windows, Siding and Roofing works with Salal Credit Union to make home maintenance and upgrades affordable. Ask your customer service rep about ways you can finance the work on your home and what financing terms to expect.If you’re interested in learning more about a metal roof in the Seattle area, schedule your free consultation with one of our roofing experts today.

Further Reading:

1 comment

  1. […] thanks to concealed fasteners allowing the screws to be beneath the panel. This style began as a metal roof panel. But designers found it to be so attractive that they morphed it into a siding panel as well. […]

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