
Roofing Repair Tips for the Average Homeowner 

Published on: July 25, 2022

Leaks are a homeowner’s worst nightmare. You start with a full assessment to find where the leak is coming from. And once you’ve pinpointed that you need roofing repair, you might dread calling contractors and getting them out to your home or be worried about what it will cost you.

The good news is, that handy homeowners can complete repairs with a little guidance. Learn simple tricks and tips for maintaining your roof and executing simple repairs. You’ll find these tips especially helpful if you’re nowhere near the timeframe of needing a new roof on your home. 

Attending to roofing issues quickly is important because failing to do so could mean that you’re left with insulation or ceiling damage.

Locating the Source of Your Leaky Roof

Before you can complete the roofing repair, you need to find what’s causing your leak. More than likely, the leak will be up the peak of your roof higher than the location of your water damage. So travel uphill on your roof to look for issues.

An issue could be happening with your plumbing or roof vent. Or you might have worn down chimney dormers. If you have easy access to your attic, you might start by getting in there and looking for a clear location of attic damage to pinpoint the issue. Be sure you have a flashlight for exploring attic damage. 

But if you can’t get into your attic or don’t know what you’re looking for there, you can head up to your roof. If you don’t see anything or you can’t pinpoint the issue with a visual assessment, you might need to enlist some help.

Get a friend or neighbor to go up on the roof with a hose. Start with a slow, steady stream of water near the location of your leak. Have another person inside watching for water. Be patient because it might take a good deal of time for the water to accumulate and penetrate the inside of your home.

Sometimes, this won’t help you find the leak. If that’s the case, you’ll need to resolve to begin removing shingles from your roof. Try to avoid damaging them in the process because this may or may not be the right location for resolving the issue. 

Under your shingles, you should see clear evidence of where the leak is at. You’ll see water stains, wood rot or mold and mildew under the shingles. 

Resolving Small Leaks

Small leaks can actually be more challenging to pinpoint and resolve. That’s because the signs are not as obvious as larger leaks and slower drips like that might move farther away from the source before causing an indoor leak.

Or the leak moves toward ceiling fixtures because that’s where the water can pool. Being aware of these realities can help you overcome the challenges of finding smaller leaks. Plus, with time, you’ll also start to see flow marks that will show you where the water is running from.

Allow the Professionals to Do It

Most Common Causes of Roof Leaks

At first, you might not know what you’re looking for when assessing your roofing issue. To help you get started, here’s a look at the most common causes of roofing leaks.

  1. Broken shingles: more than likely, this is what you thought of first when you realized you had a roof leak. These are the most common causes of roof leaks. Sometimes shingles break due to hailstorms or the tarring might just wear with time. 
  2. Cracked flashing: flashing is a thin piece of metal that goes under shingles to create a water-resistant barrier. But when it cracks, that barrier is weakened and will allow moisture in. 
  3. Cracked vent booting: small pipes stick out of the top of your roof. Those are your vents and they help keep moisture outside of your home. However, the boots that create a strong seal around those pipes can wear, crack and allow moisture through.
  4. Clogged gutters: sometimes a leaking roof has nothing to do with the roofing materials themselves and everything to do with issues in the gutters. Cleaning out your gutters can help water flow away from your home the way it is supposed to and prevent leaks.
  5. Cracked chimney: your fireplace offers a cozy place to gather inside of your home. But it also adds one more area of your home to seal and protect from moisture. One small crack could lead to leaks.

How Urgent is a Leaky Roof?

Whenever you have water where it shouldn’t be inside your home, it is an emergency. The longer the leak persists, the more damage it will do to your home. You might need to rip out drywall or replace sections of your ceiling. Both of these activities are costly and time-consuming.

You should attend to these issues as soon as possible to avoid more damage. If you leave water damage long-term, it could damage:

  • Trim
  • Ceiling joists
  • Wall framing
  • Fascia
  • Soffits

If you don’t have time to handle the issue immediately, you should hire a roofing company that can. While the cost of the roof repair itself might be larger than if you did it yourself, it will be better than paying to repair various aspects of your home after suffering damage.

When to Call a Roofing Professional

Roofing Repair

Attempting roof repairs is not for everyone and your ability to make repairs could vary based on what type of roof you have. If you’re uncomfortable getting onto your roof or you’re experiencing repeated leaks and problems, you should call a roofing professional. Too much traffic on your roof will put undue stress and wear on your roof’s shingles. And you don’t want that.

So when should you call a roofing professional? Here are some signs it’s time to bring in the experts.

  1. Your shingles are shedding granules and you’re seeing them in your gutters or downspouts.
  2. You have shingles that are popping up and not laying flat.
  3. Flashing is loose or worn.
  4. Your roof is growing algae, mold or moss. This often means there are cracks or issues in your shingles.
  5. Your roof is sagging.
  6. Your roof is more than 20 years old, which means it’s likely better to replace it than it is to repair it.

2FL Windows, Siding and Roofing is a team of experienced roofing professionals with outstanding reviews on various platforms. We commit to being there for our customers when they need us, especially in case of a leak emergency. Contact us now to schedule your roofing repair.

Roofing Repair FAQs

Still unsure of whether you should take on that roof repair work or hire a professional? These common questions and answers can offer some insights.

How Much Will the Repair of the Roof Cost?

Roof repair costs will vary based on what’s causing the leak. Minor problems cost as little as $500 while more serious leaks could cost more than $1,000.

Is It Worth Patching a Roof?

Patching or repairing a roof can be the most cost-effective way to get several more years out of a roof if other parts of it are not worn out yet. Once a roof begins to wear out though, you’re better off replacing the whole thing than completing minor repairs.

What Do You Call Someone Who Fixes Roofs?

Generally, roofers are referred to as roofing contractors. However, you might also see them called a roof mechanic or tradesman.

Further Reading:


  1. […] Sometimes you get clear signs that it’s time for a new roof. For example, when a serious hailstorm hits or your home suffers fire damage, you’ll likely see clear signs that it’s time for a new roof or at least roofing repairs.  […]

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  7. […] Roofing Repair Tips for the Average Homeowner […]

  8. […] Roofing Repair Tips for the Average Homeowner […]

  9. […] Roofing Repair Tips for the Average Homeowner […]

  10. […] Roofing Repair Tips for the Average Homeowner […]

  11. […] your home doesn’t have a chimney cricket or has an inadequate cricket, you should look to get roofing repairs as soon as possible to avoid serious […]

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