
Why Professional Window Installation Is Better Than DIY

Published on: December 26, 2023

Replacing the windows in your home is a huge but extremely worthwhile undertaking. And even though it can be overwhelming, it is one of the more beneficial renovations you will ever do. Some of the benefits include:

  1. Increasing energy efficiency
  2. Increasing the safety of your home 
  3. Decreasing outside noise from the street
  4. Increasing the value of your home
  5. Cutting down on dust and allergen particles inside your home

Once you decide to replace your windows, you might start evaluating whether this is a realistic do-it-yourself (DIY) project. But window installation is highly specialized, meaning only those with special skills should consider DIY window replacement. Take a look at the reasons why.

Do It Yourself Projects Versus Hiring a Professional

Do it yourself projects, or DIY projects, are very popular among homeowners today. Many homeowners are opting to do home renovations themselves instead of hiring a professional to save money and also enjoy the satisfaction of completing the project. DIY gives homeowners the opportunity to personally upgrade and update their homes rather than call a professional. 

DIY projects can be very beneficial to a homeowner when they are capable of completing the project.

  1. They can save some money by bypassing the installation fee
  2. They can do the project in their own time and at their own pace

However, there are some projects that are best left to the professionals. Here’s why window replacement is a project better left to the professionals.

How Windows Affect the Home

What many homeowners don’t realize is that windows play a huge part in the structure of the house, and having them installed correctly is tremendously important. They do much more for the home then add natural light and allow the homeowners to view nature from the comfort of their couch. 

Without proper window installation, homeowners run the risk of compromising the inside rooms, the inside of the walls, and even the foundation of their home. Ultimately, if the windows are not properly installed, the homeowner risks needing to replace more than just the windows. 

Since windows are an essential part of the structure of a home, it’s important to consider whether you are equipped for a DIY project of this magnitude.

Professional Window Installation Benefits

Take a moment to learn the benefits professional window installation can provide as you evaluate whether to complete the project yourself.


Professional Window Installation

Window installation is complicated, which means it will take time to learn proper installation techniques. Most homeowners are busy. They have jobs, families, commitments, and hobbies that take up most of their time. They don’t have hours of free time to sit and figure out window installation instructions or the luxury of figuring out how to use all the tools and familiarize themselves with all the parts. Hiring a professional guarantees the job is done quickly and accurately.

Fast installation is also advantageous considering the house itself. The longer the house stays unsealed and open to the elements, the higher the risk of structural damage. The faster a professional removes the window and then installs the new one, the better. A professional with many hours of window installation experience is going to do a much better job of this than a homeowner doing for his first time and learning along the way.

Allow the Professionals to Do It

Highly Experienced

Professional window installers complete window replacements daily. They have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours of their time installing windows for smart homeowners like you. They know the crucial steps to follow, have all the tools on hand and are familiar with all the parts. Professional installers will not take up your precious time in learning what they already know. They are there to get to work. 

Less Risks

Homeowners who choose to do their own window installation instead of hiring a skilled professional can experience many serious issues, including the following.

  • Water damage: If the windows in the home aren’t water tight, water will seep into the walls of the house and cause rot on the insides of the walls. This can cause a significant amount of structural and even foundation damage that can make the house very unsafe to live in and also cost thousands of dollars to fix. 
  • Mold issues: A window that’s not weather tight can also lead to mold problems inside the home. Not only can mold also damage the structure of the house, it can also damage the homeowners precious and irreplaceable property.
  • Window removal: Professionals are also skilled at the removal of the old windows. This isn’t an area of risk the homeowner usually considers but it is an area where much can go wrong. If the current window is removed incorrectly, it can damage the window opening making it nearly impossible to install the new window correctly. 

Financially Savvy

Hiring a professional window installer is a very good financial move for the homeowner. It will save them future repair costs, ensure a solid investment, and create an energy efficient home. 

  • Avoid future repair costs: Replacement windows are expensive and the installation fee on top of that might feel overwhelming. However, poor window installation can lead to major issues in the home. The homeowner most likely will end up spending more money on home repairs caused by damage from incorrectly installed windows.
  • Guarantees a solid investment: Window replacement is an expensive renovation that should be worth the homeowner’s investment. It would be highly unfortunate to spend so much money on a project that ends up doing more harm than good. Hiring a professional assures the homeowner that their money is not going to waste but is a solid investment in their home. 
  • Create energy efficiency: An incorrect or poorly done window installation also leads to a less energy efficient house. The same cracks that let the water and moisture in will also let the outside air in and the inside air out. The homeowner will end up with inflated heating and cooling costs in all seasons instead of quality, airtight new windows. 


Professional window installers can guarantee that the project is done in a safe manner and creates a safe environment in the home. Some safety benefits include the following.

  • Fewer health issues: A window that’s not weather tight can also lead to mold problems inside the home, causing serious health issues for the occupants. Mold can also damage the homeowners belongings and sometimes the structure of the house.
  • Fewer accidents: Window installation requires a lot of tools that are complicated to use and dangerous if they are used incorrectly. Professionals are highly trained to handle these dangerous tools in a safe and effective manner. This protects both the homeowner and the home.
  • Less structural damage: Improperly installed windows can lead to structural damage of the home. This can cause your house to be a very unsafe place to live for the homeowners. Professionals can ensure that the structure of the house stays intact and safe.

Better Quality 

Homeowners want quality in their home renovations and professionals can deliver that quality. With their skills and their speed, they can deliver energy efficient windows that are structurally sound and that saves the homeowners money in the long run.

Less Homeowner Stress

On the whole, hiring a professional to install your windows can reduce homeowner stress considerably. You won’t have to worry about mold, structural damage or safety. And you’ll have peace of mind that you won’t face surprise expenses for repair or premature replacement. The homeowner can rest assured that they are in the experienced, capable hands of a professional and reap the benefits of beautiful new windows. 

If you’re ready to get started installing new windows for your home, give 2FL Windows, Siding and Roofing a call at 253-499-7786 or contact us online. Our team of professionals is ready to work for you in a safe, efficient manner that guarantees the best results.

Further Reading:


  1. […] Why Prefer a Professional Window Installer Over DIY […]

  2. […] Why Professional Window Installation Is Better Than DIY […]

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